fall in NH painting
"Fall in New Hampshire Country" painting by DJ Geribo

Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli is the 2nd book I've read by Spinelli. Like the first book I read, Stargirl, Maniac Magee is a unique individual, not like anyone else. The most wonderful unique quality is Magee's ability to see everyone as equals. He lives in a town that is separated by color with blacks on the East side and whites on the West side. But Magee doesn't see the differences and finds friends on both sides of town.

Despite the anger and hate that is sometimes thrown at him, he sheds it like a snake skin that no longer fits. For me, he represented hope. He brought blacks and whites together in a simple gesture when he invited Mars Bar to the home of a white family who had accepted Maniac into their home and fed him whenever he stopped by. A generous family, they welcomed Mars Bar just as they had welcomed Maniac. But another family, not quite so open and accepting, were not as welcoming when Maniac brought his friend Mars Bar to their home. But Maniac knew, at the young age of 11, that it takes one family at a time to make a universal change.

He touched the lives of everyone he met, even those who tried to break him, and in the end, despite living in the zoo with the Buffalo, which he chose to do, Maniac Magee lived a wonderful life as the richest boy in town.

I rate Maniac Magee 4 out of 5 stars ****

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