Fall Marshes painting by DJ Geribo
"Fall Marshes" painting by DJ Geribo

The End of the Beginning by Avi, illustrations by Tricia Tusa, is a tiny book, small only in its size, with a big-as-life story that teaches many lessons given by the main characters, a snail named Avon and an ant called Edward. Avi is my new favorite children’s book author, and he has more than 70 books to his name! These stories will entertain me for many months to come.

 And they will entertain you, as well. Young or old will be taken in by the ‘adventures’ the two friends take to the end of a branch and back. Not your average snail and ant, the two challenge themselves to be more than either thought they could be in their little world. They praise each other for every effort they each make, supportive as only the very best of friends can be. Avi’s humor will be appreciated by all who read this amazingly creative tale.

I rate The End of the Beginning 5 out of 5 stars *****

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