Fall Trees in NH painting by DJ Geribo

Without a doubt, one of the most impressive, amazing, complex, creative, intelligent novels I’ve ever read. The 2018 Pulitzer Prize winner, The Overstory by Richard Powers proves itself worthy, over and above.

I started this novel earlier last year; it is a hefty 502 pages using a small font size – that is not a good sign for me, a slower reader (only because I have to read every word). I read in spurts mostly because of the time commitment but also because of the content – the future of trees and the people trying to save them.

The group of main characters, who we first meet when they are children and find out where the influence to care about trees comes from, are all introduced separately. But then over time in some way and at some point, many of them meet and work together to save trees being forested by the big corporations. All because of their love for trees.

This was a heartbreaking story for me because I know the majority of what Powers writes about is true. Sitting up in the trees of the old growth forests to prevent the workers from cutting the trees, this is a sacrifice that many of us would not make. Mostly because we know it is all a waste of time and energy – the trees are being destroyed and the land decimated.

Although this is a work of fiction, I know so much of the research and story is based on facts. Read Peter Wohlleben’s book, “The Hidden Life of Trees” for more information about trees and how killing our trees, particularly old forests, is ensuring our own speedy demise.

I rate “The Overstory” 5 out of 5 stars (and wish I could give more)
