
This is where I get to sound off on anything and everything that isn't necessarily related to writing (although it could be). In other words, What I Have to Say About....

I’m no longer writing a newsletter. Did anybody notice? If they did, they didn’t tell me. Getting any attention on the internet is becoming more and more difficult. You need to have a gimmick or something that gets the attention of masses of people.

Over the years I've used a variety of spaces to get my story onto paper or computer. The best thing I ever did was buy myself a laptop computer. Sometimes I want to sit in my living room and other times I prefer the comfort and outdoor feeling of my sunroom. The portability of the laptop makes it possible to work in either environment as well as on my back deck in the summer months. I can also take it with me if we go on vacation (not a regular activity for us) or if we want to go somewhere for a day or a weekend and work in a different location. That is more likely to happen and we have done just that on a few occasions. I could not do that if I only had a desktop.

In the past, when I sent a check or a gift to someone whether it was for a birthday, a wedding, or a baby shower I couldn’t attend, I would receive, sometimes months later but still, a thank you card. Common courtesy, I believe.

“There was no way my son could have done those terrible things.”
“He’s a good boy.”
“He works really hard – has two jobs.”

Etc., etc., you’ve heard it all before, parents defending, protecting their children. Parents who know nothing about their children but protect everything about them, even though it has been years since they moved out and have been living on their own as adults, years since they were children. Now that they are grown the parents really do not know why they are anymore.

Seems like only yesterday people were celebrating the 1st Earth day – can’t believe that was 50 years ago. I also can’t believe that we celebrate the Earth, our planet, our one and only home, just one day a year. But that’s just me, your basic tree-hugger and long-time lover of this planet.