
This is where I get to sound off on anything and everything that isn't necessarily related to writing (although it could be). In other words, What I Have to Say About....

I’ve been writing for many years now, professionally, at a job as a Technical Writer (although I retired from this job several years ago) and even longer as a writer of fiction, mostly, as well as non-fiction. I took a couple of Creative Writing courses in college where I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in English. I still have the stories I wrote at that time and am so grateful I kept at it because I can easily see how much I’ve improved.

I missed it. Earth Day, that is. My intention was to write an article celebrating our beautiful and one and only planet, Earth. The more I thought about it the more upset and yes, a little bit angry I got. Of course, some are saying 'Earth Week' or 'Earth Month'. But I thought no, it needs to be Earth EVERY DAY! Not just one day a year. We need to put much more importance on our planet and the care and maintenance of it. And that needs to happen every day. 

I don’t know if this is indicative of the fact that I’m writing more but I recently extended my writing area. Several months ago I posted in a blog (or my newsletter, not sure which) a photo of my writing area, surrounded by bookcases and small tables. But I recently added a table and chair set up where I can write long-hand. My desk area that holds my two monitors is where I write on my computer but there are many times when I write long-hand, particularly when I’m starting a new writing project. And it just wasn’t working for me to try writing long-hand while sitting on a couch in the living room or our sunroom, both of which are already full of tables, couches, and other furniture.

Throughout my life, learning has been one of my strongest incentives for reading. I want to know more. And now, as a writer, I understand how much learning about so many different subjects can only help me with my writing career. Exposing yourself to the world around you and reading the works of other authors you admire is one of the easiest steps you can take to get to where you want to be in your writing.

I’ve been avoiding Facebook more and more. And then soon after, I’ll probably just stop using it and remove my name and information from the site. I’ve already removed a lot of personal information from my Facebook page. And I’ve also noticed that for some reason only one friend seems to be receiving my posts even though I have over 200 ‘friends’ on Facebook. So someone out there is controlling my feed. I also have a Facebook page for my art and author blog posts but I rarely post there since I as informed sometime ago that my posts only reach about 5 people and if I wanted to reach more friends I would have to pay.