Author of such Sci-Fi classics as "The Martian Chronicles", "Fahrenheit 451", and "Something Wicked This Way Comes", Bradbury, like all the other writers I've introduced here previously, believed that as long as you keep writing, you are not a failure. "The average young person....seems to have the motto, 'If at first you don't succeed, stop right there.' They want to start at the top of their profession and not to learn their art on the way up." Bradbury wrote everyday of his life except weekends which were for his family. He believed material things were not important. Getting the work done 'beautifully and proudly' is important. The money will come as a reward for creating beautiful work. Things don't belong to you. All you'll ever have is yourself.

 The truth about writing that Bradbury realized over time is that writing is so that you will understand yourself. A writer must "crucify himself in order to discover himself."

His process of writing was not unlike my own, which was, to write 'a first draft as passionately and as quickly as he can, to allow your subconscious to come out into the light and say what it has to say.' Leave the story and weeks or months later when you come back to it, you will relive it instead of rewriting it. Rewriting, which is basically cutting your story, will create bandaids on your story that people will see. He also does not discuss his work before he has written it, which is another aspect of writing that I share with Ray Bradbury. Once you bring it out into public, it loses the excitement you once felt for it. In this way, Bradbury says, "writing is like sex...and you save your love for the love object."

Ray Bradbury won, among other awards, the 2007 Pulitzer Prize Special Citation. He published more than 30 books and close to 600 short stories, plus numerous poems, essays, and plays.

He died on June 5, 2012 at the age of 91.

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